913EB0B0-7A22-4CFB-8706-3318037DE61C,2005-05-17 09:01:00,Explosive Hazard,IED Explosion,2007-033-005426-0862,IED,"(Delayed Report) TF Bayonet reports an IED attack on a convoy (AIP) 27K S of the Garmser bazaar (41RPQ 1100 4000)in South Helmand. No injuries reported. The detonation occurred 2m in front of the 1st vehicle causing moderate damage. Armed police, who were acting in the role of escort, debussed and arrested 17 personnel on site. All detained personnel were taken to the Garmser authorities and held for questioning. The device was powered by a six-volt sealed lead battery of
Japanese manufacture. A quantity of fine copper wire and the remains of the aluminum housing for the explosive were found in the close vicinity of the crater. The crater measured 3m x 3m x 70cm. NFI.",RC SOUTH,ENEMY,FALSE,TF BAYONET,TF BAYONET,Coalition,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,41RPQ11004000,31.08856964,64.16375732,UNKNOWN,UNKNOWN,,,ENEMY,RED,SECRET
1008781,2006-04-08 00:00:00,Explosive Hazard,IED Found/Cleared,100376,DRUID Explosive Hazard Report Migrated,On 8 April at 0800 an IED was discovered by sub contractors of the
Japanese road construction contractors at the 44 kilometer mark on the Kandahar-Herat road in Maiwand District. The IED was safely defused by the District Police without casualties.,RC SOUTH,ENEMY,FALSE,DRUID - No Matches,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,,,DRUID - No Matches,,,,ENEMY,RED,
91136AAB-5B95-4420-9EB5-A1099146F56B,2007-01-29 00:00:00,Non-Combat Event,Other,2007-033-010939-0096,OTHER,Media: A
Japanese TV crew conducted interviews and filmed various activities around base. They will join us for the PDC and PSTF meetings tomorrow.,RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,-,-,None Selected,
55E2487B-3261-4F49-977A-28D498A36E0F,2007-01-30 00:00:00,Non-Combat Event,Other,2007-033-010939-0409,OTHER,"Media, Information Operations: Local medial covered the PDC meeting. A
Japanese TV crew covered both the PDC and PSTF.
",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,-,-,None Selected,
B0B56085-66B9-469A-8418-A5F0A7759639,2007-01-31 00:00:00,Non-Combat Event,Other,2007-033-010939-0518,OTHER,"Media, Information Operations: The
Japanese TV crew went on the Ahmad Abad and Sayed Karam District Center and ANP assessment/coordination, MEDOP site assessment mission to film the PRT in action and conduct interviews.
",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,-,-,None Selected,
9D4EAB54-6AA4-41CD-B0F4-A445556081CF,2007-02-14 00:00:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting,2007-046-101836-0498,MTG,"There is a school for boys and girls in the village that was built by the
Japanese. It has 23 teachers, all of which were trained in Kabul. There are 350 girls and 250 boys in the school. The have a clinic and one doctor but they do not have any medical supplies. The Alingar Road project has caused many drainage problems for them. The road has caused the river to overflow into the streets and the side roads which causes flooding etc. There are 200 families in Lowkar. Each has around 8 people in the family. There are 6 mosques with a Mullah for each in the village. They have one main mosque that was built by an NGO but they have no supplies or furniture for it. There are 2 MHPs in the village that were built by ISA (unknown NGO)
but they no longer work as the Alingar Road construction has blocked off their water from the Alingar River and the runoff form the mountains.
The villagers consider themselves in Alingar but the maps say Dow Ab. They bring their complaints to the Alingar District Rep Alif Shah in Alingar Ouswali. They grow corn and wheat but they do not grow poppy. They are from the Pashtun sub-tribe of the Aluekozy. They speak Pahstu. Kala Gush PRT is building them a playground and a wooden bridge.
Meeting Attendees:
Malik taj Mohammed, Village Elder
CPT Pickel (102nd IN BN)
Jon Gose (HCT 26)
TSgt Pacheco (MHL PRT PTAT)
Naquibullah (CAT I PRT TERP)
(S//REL) Baseline Perceptions of the Afghan People, FEB 2007, POTF-AF S2: This document combines the results of four surveys, Altai Consulting (2006) ANDP and PME surveys, Asia Foundation (2006) A Survey of the Afghan People, and U.S. Department of State, Office of Research (2007) Afghanistan: Closer to One Nation Than a House Divided to establish baseline perceptions of the target audience (Afghan Populace). The intent was not to provide demographic data but to provide a baseline in the populaces perceptions in specific areas. This information is important for psychological operations in developing programs to change negative perceptions or to maintain positive perceptions that support the CJTF-76 mission and stated objectives. POTF-AF will continually update the perceptions through monthly perception/trends analysis utilizing information gathered from PSYOP elements, SITREPs, SIGACTs, and contracted surveys.
(S//REL) SECURITY: Afghans cite security as Afghanistans biggest problem (22%), while unemployment, poor economy, and the presence of Taliban all come in second at 12%. Nearly 30% of Afghans believe that the Taliban are the greatest threat to Afghanistan. Afghans identify insurgents as bringing insecurity rather than foreign forces but blame unemployment for driving insecurity, not the insurgents. Altai Consulting concludes that jobs and more ANP will improve security at the local level while at the national level jobs, collecting weapons, and more ANA provide more security. The majority of Afghans trust the ANA (84%) and ANP (86%). Most Afghans are proud of their ANA (84%) and ANP (76%) but only a third believe they are very capable of protecting their area.
(S//REL) GOVERNANCE: Most Afghans (85%) believe Afghanistan should be a unified nation. Nearly 9 out of 10 people say they have confidence in the national government in 2006. This has remained unchanged since 2004. 90% of Afghans back President Karzai and this has remained the same since 2004. Most people perceive democracy as meaning freedom while others said democracy means peace, and a smaller number said rights and laws. Over half of those asked strongly agreed and 29% somewhat agreed that religious authorities should lead people in obeying their faith while political leaders should make decisions about running the government. Two thirds believe that Islamic countries can be a democracy without becoming westernized. Close to half of both Sunni and Shia and all ethnicities believe religious laws should dictate all aspects of life including economics, politics, culture, and family.
(S//REL) DEVELOPMENT: When asked what the main reason for the countrys progress was nearly a third cites security, followed by peace/end of war (29%) and then disarmament (26%). Just over half of the Afghans feel that their economic prosperity has increased since the fall of the Taliban. When asked what is the biggest problem at the local level unemployment ranks as the top concern (18%) followed fairly closely with basic needs such as electricity, food, water, and health care. Perceptions of foreign forces reconstruction efforts vary widely from region to region. Kabul has the highest perception rate of foreign forces helping a lot. Radio is the most popular means for people to receive information of national importance followed by television and family and friends. Men rely on radio and women rely on word of mouth for information. Only 20% of Afghans said they would completely trust information from foreign forces and 44% would trust the information a little bit.
(S//REL) STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS: Afghans, on average believe that the motives of foreign forces are to bring peace and security. Three out of four Afghans believe foreign forces are necessary in Afghanistan and 74% believe they should stay until Afghanistan is fully at peace. 75% say the U.S. treats Afghanistan with respect. Three-quarters still support U.S. military presence which is down from 81% in 2005. When asked which country is providing the most aid, nearly half of the Afghans responded with USA,
Japan, Germany, and India.
(S//REL) PROPAGANDA: In 2006, there were over 1000 reports of insurgent propaganda throughout Afghanistan. In most areas intimidation is the primary means for propaganda. There has been an increase in resentment and resistance towards the Taliban as a result. This reliance on intimidation is their greatest weakness as it is unlikely that it will gather long-term support. Another line of persuasion contained in most insurgent propaganda is that the coalition forces are here to weaken/destroy Islam. This line of persuasion appears to be ineffective since only 12% of the 21% of the Afghan populace felt the country was going in the wrong direction believed Islam is in danger due to the presence of coalition forces/foreign fighters.
(U) POC: LTC Jeffrey L. Scott, POTF-AF Commander, CJTF-76, Jeffrey.l.scott@cjtf76.centcom.smil.mil , DSN 231-3003 or SGT Joseph Atneosen, POTF-AF S2, joseph.o.atneosen@cjtf76.centcom.smil.mil , DSN 321-3062.
See Attachment",RC EAST,FRIEND,FALSE,"CJ3, CJTF-82",CJ3,None Selected,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,42SWD2348066800,34.94343185,69.25713348,UNKNOWN,UNKNOWN,,,FRIEND,BLUE,SECRET
C289F15E-3704-42DC-A098-0F6BC6DEFB25,2007-02-21 00:00:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting,2007-053-065717-0913,MTG,"Met with representative from
Japan International Volunteer Center, Mr. Hasebe Takatoshi. Medical focused NGO operating in Nangarhar area predominantly in the Shinwar tribal area. Discussion focused on interagency cooperation and collaboration to further healthcare delivery in Province.
",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,-,-,None Selected,
3B622449-0A9C-4290-B864-39F81DF746E4,2007-03-07 00:00:00,Non-Combat Event,Other,2007-085-043105-0876,7 MAR 07 Ghazni Governor addresses the public in TV/Radio Show,"PRT CDR and Governor Patan conducted the TV/Radio show today. Show started out with the host asking the governor about his trip to Kabul. The host added that there had been rumors in Ghazni while the Governor in Kabul because the government wanted to change his position. Governor responded that his trip to Kabul was mostly to coordinate planning for projects for this spring. He stated that he met with the Director of MoI, Mahmod Karzai (President Karzais brother), the
Japanese Ambassador, the Saudi Arabian Ambassador as well as the UAE Ambassador in an effort to ask for their assistance in funding reconstruction and development projects in Ghazni. He indicated that they gave him positive responses. The Governor has been successful in the past in securing international support for projects (in Khowst). Patan discussed the pamphlet that he wrote titled Ghazni:War on Terror and stated that he provided copies to senior leaders in Kabul. He further stated that he is having them printed in Pashto and Dari as well.
The Governor for the first time publicly stated that he has not received operational funding from MoI in almost five months. He explained that he spent some of his time in Kabul meeting with Members of Parliament discussing this matter. He said that they were supportive of him and that these Members of Parliament went to the President about this matter. He said that the Province will be facing financial difficulties if he does not get this funding. He has changed his approach and is now publicly discussing the lack of support that he is receiving from MoI on this matter.
The Governor acknowledged that while he was in Kabul there were rumors in Ghazni that he had been transferred. He spoke about how these rumors were started by people who do not want Ghazni to be developed and do not want good security. The Governor stated that he stood against corruption, and some people do not like this. Patan stated that the President is working to bring strong security to this country and that the President supports him.
The Governor closed by saying that God is supporting him and that he will continue to do battle with people who are corrupt and will clean house of all these bad people from Ghazni.",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,"CJ5, CJTF-82",CJ5,None Selected,
In an April 10 meeting, Foreign Secretary Shiv Shankar Menon and Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Richard Lawless discussed: (a) Missile Defense: Menon agreed the issue of moving toward real technological cooperation was "ripe for a decision" at the policy level; he promised to submit the question soon to the GoI top leadership; (b) Defense cooperation: citing the example of
Japan, where mil-mil relations are characterized by interoperability, trust and predictability, Lawless urged deeper engagement with U.S. companies; (c) Crew list: both agreed to resolve this long-standing issue via an exchange of diplomatic notes; (d) China: Menon welcomed Lawless'' suggestion that an OSD team return for a "small group discussion" about DoD''s report to Congress on China''s military modernization; (e) Afghanistan: General Wilkes briefed on the US'' long-term commitment to the ANA and Afghan police force; (f)
Japan and Australia: Menon welcomed the idea of a meeting on the margins of ARF between the US,
Japan, Australia and India at the assistant-secretary level.
C4BB50FF-94EB-4C07-B7E7-1F53FCCF4C20,2007-04-17 00:00:00,Non-Combat Event,Natural Disaster,2007-108-075553-0503,Bridge collapsed in Behsud District of Nangarhar Province (MOD),"Three people were killed and five others were injured when a bridge collapsed in Behsud District of Nangarhar Province today [17 April]. The head of the district, Mohammad Nazir Dorani, told radio Afghanistan: "The bridge at Behsud District of Nangarhar, built by
Japan two years ago, was destroyed by high water levels caused by flooding. The flood carried away eight people, five of whom were rescued. The dead bodies of the other three have not yet been recovered. The flood has also destroyed hundreds of hectares of farmland. The collapse of this bridge has caused problems for the local people."",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,"CJ5, CJTF-82",CJ5,None Selected,
Mission Specifics.
(1) The contractor at the Regional Governors Complex was in the process of laying the floor on the first level of the building.
(2) The contractor at the MOC is in the final stages of construction and is almost ready to have the building inspected.
(3) Sarachah is a village that has about 1500 families that are spread over two clusters of homes located vicinity grid XD 4129 0490. The village is located in the Behsood District and is led by elder Hajji Noor Dad. The village has a primary school with about 450 students, both boys and girls. There is a boys high school north of the village close to HWY 1. There are no clinics in the village and all medical treatment is done in Jalalabad City. Major illnesses that affect the people are malaria and tuberculosis. The current retaining wall was constructed 4 years ago by a
Japanese NGO. The retaining wall failed with the previous heavy rains and eroded away 3 acres of farm land. The villages irrigation ditch was also washed away that supplied water for all farmland in the village, a total of 5,000 gerubs (2,200 acres). The villagers grow wheat in the winter and their summer crops are tomatoes, okra and eggplant. The main source of income for the village is through the sale of their crops at the market. The primary school is located about 20-30 meters from the creek bank and is in jeopardy of having the earth eroded from underneath it during the next rainy season.
(4) Hajji Noor Dad says that he has talked to the Behsood District Sub-Governor and the Director of Agriculture which referred him to the PRT for assistance. The PRT CA team has the letter on file from the Behsood Sub-Governor.",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,PRT JALALABAD,PRT JALALABAD,None Selected,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,42SXD4129004900,34.37583923,70.53671265,UNKNOWN,UNKNOWN,,,NEUTRAL,GREEN,SECRET
E5E93F95-F86A-45D4-AA39-F177EACC6A88,2007-05-08 06:30:00,Explosive Hazard,IED Found/Cleared,2007-131-142149-0406,(EXPLOSIVE HAZARD) IED FOUND/CLEARED RPT (TIMER) CEXC : 0 INJ/DAM,"CEXC/AFG/286/07
(S//REL) NDS-Kabul personnel recovered two (2) 107mm rockets attached to casio wrist watch time device. The location was in the vicinity of Bagrami in Police District Sixteen (PD-16).
a.(S//REL) Two (2) Chinese Rockets, 107mm, ground to ground, HE, Type 63-2, length is 760mm without fuze.
b.(S//REL) One (1) Chinese Fuze, Rocket, PD, MJ1, length is 124mm, diameter is 40mm.
c.(S//REL) Circuit board with an integrated chip with the following information: MC 140818CP CP CE 0230.
d.(S//REL) One (1) Casio Alarm Chrono WR Lithium Watch. Following information on back of watch casing: Casio 1071 A159W, Stainless Steel Back, Water Resistant,
Japan, Y.
e.(S//REL) One 9V Durata Heavy Duty, 0.00% Mercury/Cadmium, Ultra Green, 6F22 9V No. 405 Battery.
f.(S//REL)) Various lengths of black tape which were wrapped around the base of the rockets.
(S//REL) The time device incorporates the use of a Casio watch which is connected to the rocket motor of each by the output leads of the circuit board. In past incidents of these types of devices, the output leads would have detonators attached which would function once a timed countdown occurred. The detonators which would be inserted into the rocket motors would ignite the 107mm rocket motors causing the launch of the rockets.",RC CAPITAL,ENEMY,FALSE,CEXC,CEXC,ANSF,
14873810-B602-4DB9-8A12-98DC1E3E193B,2007-05-13 12:00:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting - Development,2007-139-170433-0574,"131200ZMAY07 CJ3 JEC U//SBU) AFGHANISTAN: GOA CONFIRMS REQUEST FOR
Pursuant to Ref B, Econ Counselor raised the issue of securing
Japanese assistance to the Afghan energy sector in separate meetings with Senior Adviser to the President Nadiri and Minister of Economy Shams. In the April 22 meeting with Shams, who chairs the Inter- ministerial Commission on Energy, the Minister reported that he had made a formal written request to the
Japanese Ambassador in Kabul for assistance to strengthen the city''s electricity supply.",RC CAPITAL,NEUTRAL,FALSE,"CJ3, CJTF-82",CJ3,None Selected,
D26E7255-0936-448A-A719-1E3B088F6523,2007-05-14 12:00:00,Non-Combat Event,Other,2007-139-171711-0725,"141200ZMAY07 CJ3 JEC C) DFM LOSYUKOV ON THE SCO, SIX-PARTY TALKS, AFGHANISTAN,
JAPAN AND IRAN: (Source: AMEMBASSY MOSCOW 02205, 14 May 07)
In a May 10 meeting with the Ambassador, DFM Losyukov promised "no surprises" at the Bishkek Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit--no membership enlargement, nor any demand for US base withdrawal from the region. He predicted an SCO proposal for engagement in Afghanistan, and said a Russian decision to forgive Afghanistan''s debt will require a few more months.",RC CAPITAL,NEUTRAL,FALSE,"CJ3, CJTF-82",CJ3,None Selected,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,42SUB7251022384,32.73189926,67.63939667,UNKNOWN,UNKNOWN,What is the pattern used by the Taliban for attacks on CF positions?,TF 2FURY (2-508),ENEMY,RED,SECRET
2B5797B5-EB58-4BE5-BEE2-FA5EC89B2981,2007-05-19 15:30:00,Explosive Hazard,Turn In,2007-147-090421-0657,(EXPLOSIVE HAZARD) TURN IN RPT (RCIED) CEXC : 0 INJ/DAM,"At 191530ZMAY07 EOD team 6 was requested to respond to the front gate at FOB Ghazni, to recover a UXO being delivered to the gate by Ghazni ANP. Upon arrival the team was presented with a dismantled IED. As stated by the under chief of the Ghazni city ANP, the IED was located in the middle of the road near the city of Pir-aka. This is the second device that has been turned in from this same location. PPIED reported in CEXC_AFG_222_07 was also delivered to the gate at FOB Ghazni by the same ANP Chief. The exact location was not clearly defined do to language barriers. Therefore, the MGRS given for this incidents is estimated from report given by Chief of ANP. EOD placed all hazardous components in the FOB Ghazni Holding area until they can be destroyed. All other items were turned over to CEXC for further exploitation. Items recovered: a. 1 x MOD 5 DTMF spider device in a black project box. b. 1 x battery ATLAS SUPERIOR
JAPANESE TECHNOLOGY 12 V - 2 5 AH. c. 1 x Electric Blasting Cap. d. 1 x TC-6; Italian made, anti tank land mine. CEXC Report: CEXC_AFG_334_07.",RC EAST,ENEMY,FALSE,CEXC,CEXC,CIV,
8560FF0A-1D50-4E42-B9D4-873F7DDCF03E,2007-06-16 03:30:00,Friendly Action,Other,2007-167-212237-0494,"160330Z PRT JBAD WOMENS COUNCIL CENTER, VETERANS OF AFGHANISTAN COMPOUND, SURKHROD DC, MINAS SCHOOL","Diablo and C/A elements SP from JBAD PRT at 160330zJun07 IOT conduct leader engagements at 4 NAIs as well as do two H/A drops.
Ripcord 6 key points of interest from the ride along:
OBJ 1: Veterans/ Martyrs of Afghanistan:
- Disabled veterans need a shelter to live in with in the compound. There are approximately 200 men sleeping in tents.
- Compound is equipped with an orphanage, physical therapy center (under construction by the
Japanese, and an education center (that is producing quality items ready to be sold). ***Encourage these women to open a booth at the Bazaar etc.
- Disabled veterans are eager to speak with US soldiers about their experiences fighting for Afghanistan. Try to arrange for a future meeting at the PRT.
- Education center (is open to men and women) is equipped with vacant rooms for future classes (i.e. College entry exam course).
- Every Shira in the Nangarhar province has a list of their disabled villagers. Future H/A supply for this foundation would enable them to support the entire province.
OBJ 2: Womens Council Center (XD 3200 1180):
- No extra room for additional classes
- Conducting 15 days of management classes
- 3 days ago one of the women taking one of the Womens Council literacy courses was interrupted when she found her baby murdered, tied up in a bag and left outside the womens council center. The ANP were notified and the incident is currently under investigation. The administrator of the womens Council Center has requested that ANP guards (Zone 3s sector) be posted outside of the bldg. PHQ contact information was also passed out to the Womens Council Center
OBJ 3: Surkhrod DST CTR:
- Introduced CA to the sub governor and ANP DST CDR
- Conducted a joint patrol to Minas School which is in the Surkhrod DST
OBJ 4: Minas school (XD 19271 11073)
- Mina Wali Azim is a US citizen from California who is the founder of HOPE OF MOTHER
- The death of her husband left her with an abundance of land with in the Surkhrod DST
-- Her philanthropic nature and passion have given this village in Surkhrod new hope. In the past three years she as single handedly funded and built a community center/ school that will be privately run and offer not only education for the children but trades for the adults. There is no fee to attend, only the promise that once an individual graduates, they will use their newfound trade to give back to the community. She has been accepted into the Surkhrods Shira and has paved the way for all women in Afghanistan",RC EAST,FRIEND,FALSE,TF RAPTOR 173 BSTB,TF RAPTOR 173 BSTB,None Selected,
NFTR.",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,PRT JALALABAD,PRT JALALABAD,None Selected,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,42SXD3240911350,34.43516922,70.44114685,UNKNOWN,UNKNOWN,,,NEUTRAL,GREEN,SECRET
17AC0846-2AC6-470D-8415-ED7D30830D86,2007-06-16 05:30:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting,2007-167-214659-0576,160530Z TF Raptor LE with the Dari Nor District Commander/Sub-governor and train ANP on Soldier tasks,"Ripcord elements were tasked to conduct a follow up assessment and training of ANP at the Dari Nor District Center. Route of travel was the ABAD/JBAD road past Kuz Kunar on to an unimproved road into Dari Nor 42S XD 45996 36753. Ripcord 1 conducted a leaders engagement with the District Police Chief LTC Rassol Khan, Chaos 5 along with Ripcord 7 conducted a leaders engagement with the Sub-Governor, while Ripcord 1A, 1B and 1C conducted personal searches, vehicle searches, and checkpoint operations with the ANP Soldiers.
Chaos 5/Ripcord 7 notes from the meeting with the Sub-governor: Haji Halim Shaw Qadir
- He was very glad to see US forces and was very open to the idea of coalition forces conducting overnight operations, training and joint night patrols with the ANP
- Sub-Governors concerns for the Dari Nor district are:
1) Paving the road up to the district center
2) Getting water The
Japanese have made a number of wells in the district but he still needs more.
3) Building school hard sites There are 17 schools in the district but the majority of the schools are held outside on a plastic mat. He was requesting actual buildings for the schools.
-Still waiting for PHQ to come down and hold a ceremony for the 12 out of 28 illegal weapons that have been turned in under the DYAC program in April 2007
Ripcord 1 notes from the meeting with the District Commander LTC Rasool Khan:
- No recent crime activity reported in the area since our last visit. Individual wanted for the murder in Lakanda Village has not been detained, investigation is still active.
- Disputes among villagers are common (most are in regards to land). Majority of the local disputes have not been reported and are settled a the lowest level (primarily with the village elder).
- There have been no night letters reported, or suspicious individuals in the area.
- All weapons serial numbers have been recorded (including the newly received RPK-74 weapons).
- 25 new sets of uniforms have been issued to the Soldiers
- The vehicle that was involved in the IED attack on May 07 has been replaced with a new Ranger.
- Artillery piece found at 42S XD 46284 34083 was drug to the main road leading into Dari Nor and was surveyed by a unit with ISAF patch. Unit unknown, and deemed the artillery piece unserviceable. According to civilians it has been in the area for about ten years. Local nationals stated that the piece is expected to be recovered by ANSF in the near future.
- Area patrols have been conducted on a daily basis. Majority are on foot consisting of 10 Soldiers at night and 5 during the day. Vehicle patrols are used for random check points outlined in red on the map below. This is the intersection / entrance into Dari Nor and is used to deter smugglers from utilizing the main road.
- Numerous requests have been made with the use of FORM 14 for increased authorized fuel rations, heavy weapons, blankets, pillows, and a generator. LTC Khan has spoken with GEN Kafar, PHQ CDR with no results.
D11E965A-9FEA-414A-A0D0-0697A0456686,2007-06-19 12:00:00,Other,Other,2007-172-022043-0806,181200Z Panjshir PRT Cement Assessment,"CATA Trip log for 19 JUNE, 2007
Cement Assessment in Rokha for a irrigation ditch and retaining wall project, POC is Shazaman - Grid WE 42632 01978, the project location is a pre-existing road, the previous PRT funded a retaining wall project, POC indicated that the drainage ditch along the wall is insufficient, approximately every 25 meters, the ditch Ts off under the road, construction is insufficient to handle the road traffic, we agree to give 150 bags of cement to start with, once estimate is used up we will go back and reassessed the progress of the project. Cement will be picked up this Saturday. Cell phone # 0700286879
Tawakh village Anaba district
Cement assessment at private resident, POC is Khadiq Dad, this individual is a teacher at the local girls school in Tawakh village; he lost his right leg when he stepped on a land mine during the Soviet invasion. Local residents are assisting him in building a new home; he requested 50 bags of cement for a wall on the backside of his home, the request has been approved.
Tawakh village Anaba district
Revisited cement project for a mosque repair at grid WE 42632 01978, the walls were destroyed during the Soviet invasion along with damage for major flooding. To our dates for approved 30 days ago, other revisit the area was assessed and another 200 bags were approved along with 30 gabions, individuals will also picked up two wheel barrels and two sledgehammers. POC is Agha Raheem cell # 079 781 5310. We also met with the village elder, his name is Mohammed Riza, he indicated that the Moscow support 100 families, theres no electricity, water is received from a live spring, he also requested steel beams for the restructure, we told that we were unable to support that request. On a side note: will look into solar power to help support the needs of electricity in the area. He also indicated the road leading up to the village is in bad shape, will afford this to the engineers for review. We have been invited backing for reopening of the mosque wants to repairs are completed. Village elders were very pleased with our visit, we took about 30 minutes rest and had drinks and watermelon.
Tawakh village Anaba district
We also ask about the schools in the area, our POC Agha Raheem stated that there are two schools in the area to school for girls was built by a woman from France at grid location WE 36600 01130. the school plays in the valley were a footbridge is needed to gain access to the school there are approximately 300 students attend the girls school they attend school in the mornings only theres a staff of 14, 12 s and 2 females, they are in need of school supplies notebooks and pencils, the students also on the floor there are no desk for them to sit at, in the teachers lounge there are no chairs, the principal has two tables in six chairs in his office, the principles name is Mir Aziz. The school was in need of a school drop; the point of contact for arranging a school drop is Agha Raheem cell # 079 781 5310.
Tawakh village Anaba district
Dashtak secondary Boys school at grid WE 37438 00481. Schools built in 2005 by the
Japanese, nine classrooms, all have desks, the school has a staff of 14 males, one principal, and six of teachers are volunteers. Principal stated therein need of school supplies fans notebooks, map of Afghanistan. Bicycles for the teachers to get to and from work. Theres no electricity, water sources from the river. Approximately 350 students. Name of principal is Abdul Mojib, cell # 079 950 1457 or 077 364 2374. Excellent location for school drop.",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,PRT PANJSHIR,PRT PANJSHIR,None Selected,
1AB5E1E3-7186-4468-9B92-03E4C6D0AD40,2007-07-24 00:00:00,Explosive Hazard,IED Found/Cleared,2007-205-072209-0732,240000Z TF PALADIN PPIED RECOVERY GARDEZ DISTRICT PAKTYA PROVINCE,"The pressure plate was collected by Afghanistan National Army (ANA), who delivered the item to the Gardez PRT, who in turn passed the item to Gardez EOD. Evidence was returned to FOB Salerno by 744 EOD, as part of RCP, for CEXC exploitation. No capture information was provided. The incident occurred in TF Diablo AO.
a. One (1) Improvised wooden pressure plate with two (2) saw blade sheet metal contacts. The device is constructed of two pieces of wood holding metal contacts apart by a metal four (4) spring mechanism consisting of two sets of inner and outer springs. The entire pressure plate was wrapped in a white coloured polythene bag.
b. One (1) single strand single core wire
c. Two (2) SUPER CELL brand Extra Heavy Duty King Power R6K/1.5 V/Size AA batteries, manufactured in Tokyo,
d. One (1) single strand single core wire, coloured white, approximately 950mm long, joined under white tape approximately 530mm from the end
e. One (1) white polythene bag, wrapped around the pressure plate.
5F90D4DA-6D1A-4474-A051-15D5A95D102F,2007-09-11 12:00:00,Non-Combat Event,QA/QC Project,2007-254-212245-0127,111200Z Bamyan PRT_KT1_Local patrol Nayak and escort task,"KT1 conducted a split callsign patrol today. KT1B and C patrolled to AQ ROBAT village to RV with KT2 and uplift CoS and S7. Whilst returning to NAYAK, the patrol stopped at the FEROZ BAHAR Bridge location. The bridge is being funded by a
Japanese NGO, however construction ceased approx 6 weeks ago because the contractor did not give a bribe to the DSG. This needs to be followed up by the NZPRT. KT1 and KT1A conducted a local patrol in NAYAK GR UD 146 458 and had intended to meet DCOP, CI and Mohammad Amin. None were available, but three other meetings took place, and were all productive.",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,23RD CM BN,23RD CM BN,None Selected,
9801CF62-A145-4839-BE07-38E526CDA7BC,2007-09-23 08:30:00,Friendly Action,Other,2007-266-151925-0765,"230830Z PRT Nuristan KLE Eng Zinatullah, Afghan Stabilization Program (ASP)","FOB Kala Gush meeting with PRT officials and Eng Zinatullah, Afghan Stabilization Program (ASP)
Engineer Zinatullah, ASP
Gregory Phillips, Nuristan D.O.S. Representative
LT Ken Vander Molen, Civil Affairs
Security, Governance & Reconstruction:
Eng. Zinatullah visited PRT officials @ FOB Kala Gush to introduce himself and share information regarding his position. He indicated he was the Nuristan representative for the Afghan Stabilization Program (ASP). He resides in Kabul. His former position was Provincial Advisor for Helmand Province. He is currently working with the district center in Nurgaram. He was reviewing current construction on the district center police chief building and living quarters.
Eng. Zinatullah shared that funding for this and other projects associated with certain aspects of district centers were funded by agencies such as D.F.I.D., the Netherlands, and
Japan. He spoke of efforts to plan and build a district center in Bargi Matal, but there are currently land issues that are still in the process of being resolved.
When asked what assistance he might be hoping to seek from the PRT he spoke of a possible future request for security walls around the Police Chief and Sub-Governor''s family residences, and possibly a well for the compound. When asked about the current pipe scheme that was supplying water to the compound he indicated that he thought it may not offer sufficient capacity at some point in the future.
Eng. Zihatullah did not appear to have a strong working knowledge of other current district centers and future construction plans as he was new to the job and still learning. He did indicate that he felt there was sufficient funding to build future district centers in areas which did not currently have them.",RC EAST,FRIEND,FALSE,PRT NURISTAN,PRT NURISTAN,None Selected,
D5EB7741-11E7-4F96-B075-83272841E625,2007-10-01 04:30:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting - Development,2007-274-172216-0370,"010430Z PRT NANGARHAR, PRT CA AND USAID ATTENDED MONTHLY AG TWG","DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY
PRT Jalalabad
APO AE 09354
06 August 2007
Civil Affairs OIC, PRT Jalalabad, APO AE 09354
Commander, PRT Jalalabad, APO AE 09354
SUBJECT: Trip Report for Agriculture Technical Working Group meeting
1. SUMMARY. Civil Affairs (CA) and USDA attended the monthly Agriculture TWG meeting held at the Department of Agriculture (42S XD 34196 10615).
a. General. The Agriculture TWG is a meeting held monthly to coordinate all agriculture activities in the provinces. The meeting is chaired by the Director of Agriculture, Mohammad hussain Safi, and is attended by all organizations conducting agriculture projects in the province. This is Mr. Safis second month as Director of Agriculture (DoA) in Nangarhar. Mr. Safi was the previous DoA in Laghman Province.
b. Mission Specifics.
(1) This months meeting had the following agenda: 1) Review of last meetings minutes; 2) Training Center in Directorate of Agriculture premises; 3) Training for Agriculture Department Employees (Capacity Building Program); 4) Darunta Fishery Project and 5) Any other business.
(2) During discussion of last meetings minutes, Mr. Safi explained that he has met with the Poppy Eradication Program (PEP) as well as other farmers and many are willing to grow an alternative crop, but the seed is not available. In response to this, Mr. Safi was asking for help from any organization in acquiring winter wheat seed to distribute to farmers. There are two organizations that have a total of 188 metric tons of seed to distribute. The two organizations are going to work through the DoA to distribute the seeds. There was also a discussion on the price of the winter wheat seed. The price of seeds in Jalalabad is different than the price in Kabul, which should not be the case since the Ministry of Agriculture sets the price for the country.
(3) One of Mr. Safis top priorities is to establish an agriculture training center in Nangarhar, much like the one he established in Laghman. Mr. Safi commented that Nangarhar is a much larger province with many more farmers; therefore the need for a large facility is critical. The DoA says that there is enough space inside the agriculture compound to build a facility. Mr. Safi is seeking help form any agency that is willing. The facility is needed, but the training (capacity building) program has already been implemented with assistance from DAI. The curriculum has already been established, but the DoA is forced to limit the number of farmers that can attend due to the lack of space.
(4) There is a
Japanese NGO (name not recorded) that has a program to improve rice production. The program is targeting small scale farmers.
3. Additional Data and Analysis
This is the first Agriculture TWG that the PRT has attended since the new director took office and right away there has been a noticeable difference in the way Mr. Safi runs his meetings. All TWGs are designed to have the director of that particular office take the lead during the meetings. Unlike Agriculture TWGs in the past, Mr. Safi had great control of the meeting and did not let attendees get too far off topic. This was also the first meeting for Will Wilson, the new PRT USDA representative. The DoA was very excited to meet Will and asked about the agriculture PRT that is supposed to be coming.
4. Point of Contact for this memorandum is CPT Middleton at DSN 481-7341.
Maurice Z. Middleton
921E00B7-2624-4558-B694-21C56E53D3B8,2007-10-30 10:21:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting,2007-303-102125-0847,301130Z Mehtar Lam PRT PRT/CA Daily Activity,"1130Z 30 Oct 2007 Mehtar Lam PRT Daily Activity
Last 24: PRT Engineers met yesterday with contractors regarding a new scope of work and redesign for the Agriculture Product Storage Building project. The new scope was required due to new requirements after meetings last week. Met also with contractors for the Oluswali Footbridge project. Met also regarding the process to request assistance from the
Japanese Embassy Grassroots process. Met with the Province Engineer Kahne regarding progress of ongoing projects.
The new Cultural Advisor for the Engineers started work yesterday.
Today, the Engineers met with the contractor of the Pacha Joi Irrigation canal project. The contractor was here to report progress and request payment for completion of 75% of the project. Met with village elders from Alingar District who requested a new canal intake project. They were advised that the project would be taken up with the Provincial Government for review and consideration.
Next 24: QA/QC of projects in the Alinshang district. CA will conduct school visits at the same time.
Next 72: QA/QC of projects in the Quargahi district. CA will continue engagements and school visits at the same time.",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,PRT MEHTAR LAM,PRT MEHTAR LAM,None Selected,
D215E609-E04A-40C3-9B24-D93604579218,2007-11-04 05:02:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting,2007-308-050243-0817,041130Z Mehtar Lam PRT PRT/CA Daily Activity,"1130Z Mehtar Lam PRT PRT/CA Daily Activity
Last 24: PRT Engineers met with contractor for the Alishang Oluswali Footbridge project to confirm details of the design. Also met with the Province ASP Engineer Quani regarding the above project as well as several other projects.
The PRT engineer also met with a contractor for an NGO who have applied to the
Japanese Embassy Grassroots process. The
Japanese Embassy had a few questions which needed clarification before a decison can be made on funding the project. The PRT is assisting by serving as a contact between parties.
Next 24: GAC to Quargahi District to QA/QC projects in the district. Admin GAC to Fenty.",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,PRT MEHTAR LAM,PRT MEHTAR LAM,None Selected,
87E3445D-76FD-4958-A7BE-E8C023EECA53,2007-11-11 06:45:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting,2007-283-115547-0712,110645Z TF Cincinnatus KLE w/Dep Gov Nadir Fahimi,"(U) Key Leader Engagement (110645ZNOV07/Bamyan, Bamyan Province, Afghanistan).
Country: (U) Afghanistan (AFG).
Subject: Key Leader Engagement with Deputy Governor Mr. Nadir Fahimi
WARNING: (U) This is an information report, not finally evaluated intelligence. This report is classified For Official Use Only.
(U) Summary: During a meeting with ISAF CoS, German Maj Gen Kasdorf, CSTC-A Alpha staff, British Brig Gen Allen, CIN6 and Gov Fahimi the following issues were discussed: well being of Bamyan, provincial development projects, Buddahs, and the security situation.
1. (U) Well-being of the province.
1A. (U) Maj Gen Kasdorf asked Dep Gov Fahimi to assess the future of Bamyan. Dep Gov Fahimi responded he thought the future was very bright because the people were united and supported the GIRoA. They also have a very competent female Governor who works very hard. The people appreciate her efforts as she is the first governor to visit all the districts and be among the people. He stated in all six districts reconstruction was occurring as much as it can with the resources she has at her disposal. Every sector (education, health, agriculture, etc) has many problems that the need help with given Bamyan did not receive much help in the past. Furthermore he stated poppy cultivation and armed insurgents arent present in Bamyan and wants GIRoA to take notice and do more to help the people here. The people are unhappy with the central government because not enough reconstruction is occurring despite peace and lack of poppy growing in the province.
(U) Analyst Comments: Dep Gov Fahimi represented the government well in the absence of the Governor. A consistent theme of wanting more reconstruction to occur in the province was echoed by her second in command. Another theme continues to emerge in that the people expect reconstruction to occur if the province doesnt grow poppy and is secure.
2. (U) Provincial development.
2A. (U) Maj Gen Kasdorf asked the priorities for Bamyan. He responded that he needs roads built, especially the one to Kabul. He also stated that the road going from Bamyan to Kabul passes through two unfriendly districts in Wardak. Rather than work on the road in that area, they should work on the roads in the peaceful areas like Bamyan first and then maybe by the time they reach the other areas that are currently problematic from a security perspective they may be in a more peaceful state. He stated he wanted agriculture modernized as well markets available for farmers to sell the crops. He said the potato was their biggest crop but since no market crop exists this did not help anyone. Small industry needs some assistance as well. He then brought up education was important and they needed trained teachers. He said most of the educated people are working with coalition forces because they offer higher salaries. He also stated a lot of students currently attend schools which are in tents and he would like to see more school building built to properly teach the students. He brought up a secondary road to Yakalang from Bamyan and was under the impression the
Japanese were suppose to build the 50-60km road. However he said the
Japanese signed a contract over two years ago and still no work has been done on it. He also stated there is no official document they can find committing the
Japanese to the project. Maj Gen Kasdorf brought up natural resources in the area and wanted to know what the development plans were. Dep Gov said Mines and Industry suppose to have a plan but he didnt know what they were. He said there were big deposits of iron ore around the Hajigak area. The Mines and Industry first need to do a survey then open it up for a bid. None of them have been surveyed yet. Coal has been surveyed and will go to an open bid. Maj Gen Kasdorf highlighted the importance of the road to get to the natural resources to help move these efforts along and that it should be easy to lobby to Kabul for projects such as these given their importance. Dep Gov Fahimi agreed that roads were very important to the development of Bamyan. In fact the Dep Gov stated they have discussed the road with the Minister of Public Works, Minister of Mines and Industry, Minister of Information and Culture. He emphasizes the importance the roads play in helping develop the natural resources, especially since some of the natural resources are located closely to the roads they want to see built which lead to Kabul.
(U) Analyst Comments: Dep Gov Fahimi was very consistent in his message that roads play are a critical enabler to the economic development of Bamyan. Maj Gen Kasdorf indicated the message he was taking back to Kabul was building the road from Bamyan to Kabul and see what he could to make that happen.
3. (U) Buddahs.
3A. (U) Maj Gen Kasdorf asked Dep Gov Fahimi what they planned on doing to take advantage of their unique situation with the Buddahs. Dep Gov Fahimi stated they wanted roads built so they could facilitate repairing the Buddahs and would also also more tourists to go there. He cited the poor roads as a reason they are not getting as many tourists. Maj Gen Kasdorf said he will take the 130km road back to Kabul and see what he can to get donors for the road. CIN6 estimated the road to be at $8-$10M and to consider starting the roads in Bamyan vs Wardak to save time due to the area being safe and secure. A follow up visit with World Bank is needed ot understand the rest of the plan. $3M is currently programmed to cover the culverts and bridges. A road survey already exists. They just need to fund the paving of it. Dep Gov Fahimi wanted to know why the road that currently gets to Bamyan is so long. Maj Gen Kasdorf commented on the strategic importance of the ring road since it goes to all the provinces in Afghanistan. However it was agrred that a secondary road greatly simplifying the time from Bamyan to Kabul would be appropriate as development continues. He stated all jobs should start from secure areas and they we need to reinforce successful areas that are peaceful and use them as an example for everyone else to follow. Dep Gov Fahimi stated repairing historical monuments and adding health clinics in remote areas and hospitals was also important. He stated Bamyan has hard winters I would like to see a roads kept open during winter but they have no maintenance equipment available. CIN6 countered that MoPW is starting to buy such equipment and that is in their long term plans. Maj Gen Kasdorf commented that on one hand we have to see everyday life of people and on the other hand the access of the area. Access to the area will help all the other areas. CIN6 asked for Buddah status update. They are collecting all the broken pieces of the the Buddah and storing it in a central place to reuse when it is restored.
2E7DB2A9-CE17-4BF3-9806-B4A3D42BE679,2007-11-24 08:00:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting,2007-328-152958-0710,24 NOV 2007 TF ROCK KLE w Aranus Shura,"Face to Face/Shura Report
CF Leaders Name: LTC Ostlund, CPT Myer, LTC AdamKhan (ANA Kandak Commander), ANP Chief Gul Rahman (Pech River District Police Chief)
Company: Chosen Platoon: Position:
District: Waygul Date:24 NOV 2007 At (Location): Nangalam
Group''s Name: Aranus Shura and Village Leaders.
Individual''s Name:
Individual''s Title:
Was Objective Met?
Items of Discussion: Problem Mitigation Before Next Meeting
Chief Gul Rahman
The shura opened with Chief Rahman as the host. He opened with a question Isnt 30 years of war enough? He said the Afghan people have shared in the horror of war to include their homes being destroyed and people killed. He said Afghanistan is better than this and it has a lot of potential and a lot of possibilities. He exclaimed that the Afghans are smart, educated people. The Chief stated that they (as Afghans) shouldnt have people from other countries running theirs.
LTC AdamKhan (ANA Kandak Commander)
LTC AdamKhan continued on the theme that 30 years of war is enough. He said the Afghan people need to unite, as they have been separated for many years because of war. He criticized the elders for not bringing all the elders to the shura. His bottom line was there is no jihad, no declared war, so why continue fighting? LTC AdamKhan said that fighting the government results in nothing good, just undue casualties. He claimed the elders are capable and can stop the miscreants fighting amongst them. He criticized them again for not doing anything to prevent the ambush on the ANA and CF that were returning from a shura in Aranus on the 9th of November. He continued to dig on them, saying it was two weeks and not a word from the elders of Aranus about who attacked the returning patrol or who was responsible. He said we (ANA and Coalition Forces) dont want to kill innocent people. He explained the capability of our fires and that they can reach all the way to Aranus from Camp Blessing and Asadabad, but we choose not to fire. He advised the elders that they need to continue progress through jirgas and shuras. He reiterated that this is not a jihad, and that the Americans are here as guests to serve Afghanistan. LTC AdamKhan said that Afghanistan can continue to develop through effective talks, building trust and sharing ideas. He said most Afghans dont want the ACM around. He ended by saying there is only so much money and they either have to buy ammunition or provide charity, not both. He finished by saying they need to progress for their security and prosperity.
Aranus Elders
The elders confessed their condolences for the deaths of the ANA and CF Soldiers. They said it was a great loss to them as well. They stated that they didnt know anything about the ambush and maintained that it was five kilometers away from Aranus. They said they support the government and President Karzai. They want security and progress. They will continue to support the government because it is the right thing to do, and it is what Islamic law demands. The elders said they cant identify the bad guys because they dont wear uniforms. They recalled the Ranch House, and said only five of the ACM were from their villagethe others were from other villages in the Waygul valley. They said the 40 ASG that were at the Ranch House were their sons and they fought along side of the ANA and CF. They do not feel that they should be penalized for the attack on the Ranch House or the 9 November ambush. The elders feel that they have suffered enough. They said they will always support the ANA and CF. At the conclusion of the shura, the elders recommended a MEGA-SHURA for the Waygul Valley to get all the villages on the same page. They said they could do it together, united as one voice.
LTC Ostlund
LTC Ostlund laid it out plainly for the Aranus elders: If you want progress, you have some decisions to make. He explained that the Coalition consisted of 36 nations, but now consists of 34. He told them
Japan and South Korea, two wealthy nations, have lost interest in the development of Afghanistan and have taken their money and left. He told them that they were culpable in both the Ranch House attack and the 9 November ambush. He found it unbelievable with the Afghan history of driving out the British and the Russians that they could not push out a handful of miscreants. He stated that if they chose to allow the ACM to do what they want, that they would continue to sit on a dirt floor in a stone hut with no power and no water. LTC Ostlund made the point that he will be here for 10 more months. He summarized what the ACM were saying about the elders and Afghan men, stating the ACM believe the elders are weak and easily manipulated. He ended by reinforcing that if they want progress, the elders need to start contributing by giving up the ACM in the village, and showing the ANA and CF where the caches are. He said there is not an endless pot of moneyhe can either buy bombs or projects.
CPT Myer
CPT Myer told the elders that he knows that Aranus is the most powerful village in the Waygul, and that their influence is very large. He was short and to the point: support your new district Chief and get on board with the government. If they want money, projects, and support, then they need to be part of the process instead of being part of the problem.
Other Meeting Attendees (Name, Title) Media Interest? Describe Media Presence, Interest, Coverage
PRT Assessment
Line(s) of Operation Affected Negative/Neutral/Positive
Counter Insurgency Operations
Development of ANSF Capabilities
Develop/Demonstrate GoA Capabilities
Promote Reconstruction and Seek Economic Development",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,TF ROCK 2-503 IN,TF ROCK 2-503 IN,None Selected,
7D8011E4-0A85-4B54-BF3E-202DAEE7A2D5,2007-12-27 09:36:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting,2008-001-064017-0843,27930Z TF Cincinnatus Key Leader Engagement with Chinese Micro-Hydro Power Plant Operations Manager and Parwan Line Minister of Education,"(U) Key Leader Engagement Meeting (27930ZDEC07/ Charikar, Parwan Province Afghanistan).
Country: (U) Afghanistan (AFG).
Subject: Key Leader Engagement with Chinese Micro-Hydro Power Plant Operations Manager and Parwan Line Minister of Education.
WARNING: (U) This is an information report, not finally evaluated intelligence. This report is classified U N C L A S S I F I E D.
(UNCLASSIFIED) Summary: During separate meetings with the Chinese Micro-Hydro Operations Manager and Parwan Line Minister of Education the following issues were discussed: Micro-Hydro facts for Charikar micro-hydro and the future power plant substation with the operations manager and quality control measures for education projects, some future school projects he wanted help building.
1. (UNCLASSIFIED) Chinese Micro-Hydro Operations Manager Discussions
1A. (UNCLASSIFIED) Micro-Hydro facts for Charikar micro-hydro. The operations manager stated the plant was built 35 years ago by the Chinese and was refurbished last year in 2006. There are 3 generators capable of producing 870 KW each. However they only run 1 generator currently because the low water flow of the river does not permit the other ones to be run. 2 of the 3 turbines the water is suppose to be going to for power has been diverted to irrigation and drinking water from the locals. There are 30 people who work at the plant with 10 people working each shift. While the power production folks employ 30 people, the sales distribution office is reportedly suppose to employ 200 people.
1B. (UNCLASSIFIED) Future power plant substation. CIN6 discussed with the operations officer the substation that is suppose to be powered by NEPs. The individual was very aware of the project. The NEPS power line coming from Turkmenistan is suppose to bring 50MW to the substation. The power is suppose to be distributed to Panjshir, Parwan, Kapisa, and Bamyan. However he said the distribution of power is a problem and the have problems collecting fees for it.
(UNCLASSIFIED) Analyst Comments: The operations manager seemed to be in the know for the power station indicating he is informed on what is going on with future power projects in his area. It also revealed that while operations manager produces the power he has no insight into how they do cost recovery operations for maintenance of their equipment. Future meetings with the sales personnel will be required to understand how money is collected from the power they provide to people/companies.
2. (UNCLASSIFIED) Parwan Line Minister of Education Discussions.
2A. (UNCLASSIFIED) Quality control measures for education projects. Mr. Hakim stated he wants to have quality control teams from his department, notably his engineers, look at schools while they are being built. He doesnt want us to pay the final installment to the contractor until his engineers have inspected the building and it is up to their standards. He stated in Khoe Sofi they are having big problems with poor painting, concrete and plaster below standards, and the surrounding wall not built well at a particular school. He said the school is 90% complete and not being currently worked on. The school (Jarghati) is a PRT project being built in Khoja Khsrow Wali in Garanshakh village in Bagram. The construction company owner is Wahida (female). The school has no surrounding wall, is missing latrines, has no water, missing railings for stairs leading to second floor, the chalkboards are missing a lip at the bottom of the blackboard to hold the chalk, there are no security guards, the bottom of the floor to .5 meters up should be painted and is not, the beams have cracks, the expansion joints have collapsed, the electrical job is not according to the contract and has been significantly reduced, one of the walkways around the building has not been completed, metal for roof and gutter is not to specs and very cheap metal which is way less than the 18 gauge required, the water gutters are said to be totally hopeless with work being stopped on the project for nearly 6 months. CIN6 agreed with Mr. Hakim to get have their engineers and PRT work together for QA/QC purposes. Mr. Hakim said Parwan is growing and he didnt want any schools that had less than 16 classrooms per school.
2B. (UNCLASSIFIED) IDLG. Future school projects. Mr. Hakim said he had located the land for the center of excellence school. Now he would like the PRT to take up the project. He also said a girls school in Jabul Saruj was needed. He brought up a dispute between two villages over a school being built by the
Japanese. Each wants it built in their own area. He asked if we could look into it and possibly build another school for whichever village doesnt get the school. CIN6 asked about the school being built near the governors office. Mr. Hakim said it was funded by the international donors through the MoE. It cost $110K and has 12 rooms. Included in the cost is water, latrines, concrete ceiling one-story building. There is no electrical funded for it.
(UNCLASSIFIED) Analyst Comments: The Line Minister of Education appears to be comfortable enough to call CIN6 directly and work his issues one on one with CIN6. Of importance was the willingness of both sides to work together to provide the best product to the children of Afghanistan.
(U) Please direct release requests, questions, or comments to the Task Force Cincinnatus KLE officer at 431-3223 or via SIPRNet email derek.criner@afghan.swa.army.smil.mil",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,TF CINCINNATUS (TF LION) (23rd CHEM),TF CINCINNATUS,None Selected,
84C205D3-D277-4AC9-A3A4-B0A757CF5C19,2008-01-12 11:03:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting,2008-015-114000-0250,121130Z TF Cincinnatus KLE Deputy Minister of Finance,"(U) Key Leader Engagement (121130ZJAN08/ Kabul, Kabul Province, Afghanistan).
Country: (U) Afghanistan (AFG).
Subject: Key Leader Engagement with Kabul Deputy Minister of Finance and staff, and ISAF representatives.
WARNING: (U) This is an information report, not finally evaluated intelligence. This report is classified U N C L A S S I F I E D.
(U) Summary: During a meeting with Kabul Deputy Minister of Finance and his staff, and ISAF representative the following issues were discussed: Funding for existing road projects.
1. (U) Funding for existing road projects
1A. (U) During the meeting with the Minister of Finance (MoF), a rep from HQ ISAF continued to discus to construction of the road from Herat to Dowshi and Kabul . This road passes through Chaghcharan , Ghor--the poorest area in Afghanistan. The ISAF rep continued to discuss the Taliban pressure and the road issue in Ghor. She also stated the Governor of Ghor has asked USAID to reallocate funds for the road project but was refused. It was suggested that they try to get donors for this project looking closely at
Japan and Italy. Also Korea is interested in helping with development projects. The Italians have already committed to fund the road from Bamyan Junction, through Wardak Province to Kabul. The MoF rep said that $890 million had been obligated this last year and any remaining funds will carry over to the next building season. A key discussion point about the budget: only 60% of the budget is spent; what happens to the remaining funds? The Rep from the Minister of Finance office explained: Money is allocated to specific projects. If that project is not completed, the money left goes back into the funds to be used when the project starts again the following spring. The money is pre-allocated and cant be used for other things. According to the rep, up to the last dollar has been allocated but they will still be short for funding. The rep from MoF also stated that the World Bank normally provides a yearly budget of 80 million dollars however next years budget is in question. This causes a major concern. The road projects that have already been allocated funding may be lacking the money for maintenance. COL Ives expressed his concerned about completing the road project if funds are not available to maintain them and if the funds are not going to be available then maybe the road projects need to be relooked. A rep from the Minister of Finance insured that $9 million was allocated last year and $13 million this year solely for road maintenance. The MoF rep also mentioned that the Parwan 40-meter Road is still a high priority. COL Ives indicated that the PRT will be constructing this Charikar urban bypass road but it will be scaled down in width from 2-lanes instead of the original 4.
(U) Analyst Comments: The meeting with the Minister of finance cleared up the use of unused funds in the budget. It also was an opportunity to suggest possible donors to assist in the development projects in Afghanistan. Confirmation of funding from the Italians was discussed and the importance of finding donors to partner with Coalition Forces. It is important for TF Cincinnatus to lobby for support from other sources so we can focus on other projects like schools and health care. It was also suggested that we relook how much money is being spent on roads and to insure the roads that are being constructed are in the right areas.
(U) Please direct release requests, questions, or comments to the Task Force Cincinnatus KLE officer at 431-3223 or via SIPRNet email Toyva.jones@afghan.swa.army.smil.mil",RC CAPITAL,NEUTRAL,FALSE,TF CINCINNATUS (TF LION) (23rd CHEM),TF CINCINNATUS,None Selected,
5D36A763-0F58-4B27-B777-978B1B8F537B,2008-01-14 16:36:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting,2008-014-163606-0389,"141200Z, TF BAYONET PRT NANGARHAR, HEATH AND NUTIRITION SECTOR WORKING GROUP","SUBJECT: Trip Report for Health and Nutrition Sector Working Group (SWG) Meeting
1. SUMMARY. CA, PRT Medical Officer and ANA ETT medic attended the Jan Health and Nutrition SWG Meeting held at the Jalalabad Public Health Hospital.
a. General. This monthly meeting is chaired by the Director of Public Health and attended by medical representatives from several districts as well as NGOs to include Health Net-TPO, ICRC and UNAMA.
b. Mission Specifics.
(1) The agenda summary of projects approved and funded by the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH), recent assessment of Jalalabad Public Hospital by HNI, mobile clinics and finally, questions/answers.
(2) Dr Pardis, the Director of Public Health stated that during the MOPHs recent visit he announced construction of new clinics, the importance of emphasizing midwifery programs and then visited a midwife class. Construction projects approved and funded by the Ministry of Public Health include:
Sherzod BHC
Hiserak CHC+ (the old Hiserak CHC will be used as offices for medical staff),
Dih Bala CHC (20% complete)
Bati Kot BHC
Achin BHC (30% complete)
Shinwar BHC
Goshta CHC
Mohmand Dara BHC
Kama CHC
Kuz Kunar BHC
Dur Baba CHC
Nazyan CHC
Rodat BHC (
Japanese NGO funded, old BHC will become a school)
Khogyani DH (Australia NGO funded, HNI funding surgical unit)
Kama DH (first floor complete)
Pachir Wa Agam CHC+ (funded by CWS)
Rodat CHC
(3) Dr Pardis announced that he has been named as the Regional Advisor to the MOPH. He also discussed the formation of mobile clinics including a doctor, nurse, midwife and lab tech to travel between Jalalabad and Torkham Gate providing medical care to villages along Hwy 1.
(4) Public Health education was addressed by announcing that six districts (Hiserak, Pachir Wa Agam, Behsood, Dari Nur, Shinwar and Goshta) will be assigned health educators to instruct local population on burn prevention, public health and disease prevention.
(5) The HNI representative announced assessment results of the Jalalabad Public Hospital. He stated that the Admin buildings are 90% complete and lab is 30% complete. He also noted the need to hire additional. The representative also stated that senior doctors will now be pulling night shifts and taking part in outpatient care. A Technical Management Board has been established for the hospital and orders have been placed for equipment to include beds, mattresses, pillows, etc. HNI recommended reconstruction or renovation of the pediatric ward.
(6) Dr Pardis emphasized the importance of female healthcare providers in rural areas. He announced that he would pay them extra salaries and acknowledged that incentives and support for their entire family might be needed. Dr Pardis requested help from NGOs or the PRT for the following:
- Offices for remote clinics caretakers
- Expansion of OB/Gyn wing
- New pediatric ICU/neonatal ICU
- New Psychiatric unit in the ICRC hospital
- Repair of leaky pharmacy roof
- Solution for waste problem in Jalalabad
A very productive meeting with many issues discussed and recommendations provided. The SWG requested the PRT Engineer attend the next meeting in order to coordinate on the Jalalabad waste management plan. Dr Pardis agreed to meeting at the PRT to discuss PRT support in repairing the hospital pharmacy roof.
4. Point of Contact for this memorandum is Capt Dye at DSN 231-7777.",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,PRT JALALABAD,PRT JALALABAD,None Selected,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,42SXD3195311482,34.43642044,70.436203,UNKNOWN,UNKNOWN,,,NEUTRAL,GREEN,SECRET
9CBAFEFF-E78E-47EF-99E9-906741E4C08C,2008-01-17 14:40:00,Friendly Action,Other,2008-017-144019-0718,17 JAN 08 TF BAYONET PRT Nuristan Key Leader Meeting Notes,"PRT Commander spoke with Governor Nuristani. Digest follows:
Nuristan Teachers Training Center/Center of Excellence:
PRT CDR stressed the need for at least two more proposals from contractors with absolute ceiling of $860K. PRT is submitting proposals to
Japanese GAGP Fund. Governor replied that he would encourage Nuristani contractors and intends to connect PRT with Director Kakar from MoE, who is Minister Atmars Executive Agent for Centers of Excellence.
Anderkoon Irrigation Canal Repairs/Wama District:
PRT CDR stressed need for GPS precise coordinates, pictures of the canal, and three contractor proposals. We have had inquiries from Wama elders, Sub-Gov but no precise information.
Project Updates
PRT CDR updated governor on biggest project proposals awaiting funding: Kamdesh Dist Hospital, Kala Gush Small Hydro, Bargi-Matal Community Center, Parun Govt Offices, Parun Small Hydro, and Kordar School et al.
Kamdesh District Negotiations:
The meeting of Governor Nuristani and 40 elders from Kamdesh District is ongoing. Their meeting with Pres Karzai is postponed pending resolution of the issues they are discussing. It is taking longer than expected to reach consensus. They are meeting every day at his residence in Kabul. Topics include:
-A proposal for govt support of a permanent Kamdesh District Shura.
-Locations for ANP checkpoints in the district and government support for them.
-Community responsibility for security.
-Land issue over CF usage.
-Sub-governorship; Both the previous (Gul Muhammed) and current (Anayatullah) are present and all parties are talking.
Expect discussions to last several more days culminating in a meeting with Pres. Karzai. From there, Governor intends to make an office call with Bayonet 6 in Jalalabad enroute to Parun. Governor is actively engaged and leading. PRT Nuristan views the above as positive activities in governance.",RC EAST,FRIEND,FALSE,PRT NURISTAN,PRT NURISTAN,Host Nation,
7F65B524-CC1C-4C96-9D8F-94E1EEB38CA9,2008-01-23 12:30:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting - Development,2008-024-041955-0314,"2301230Z, TF Bayonet PRT NANGARHAR PROVINCIAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL MEETING","SUBJECT: Trip Report for 23 January 2008, Provincial Development Council (PDC)
1. SUMMARY. CA, DoS LN attach` Najaied and PRT USAID attended PDC meeting
a. General. The PDC is held monthly to discuss and coordinate provincial development projects. The meeting was chaired by the Dep Gov and is attended by line directors, representatives from the Provincial Shura and aid agencies.
b. Mission Specifics.
(1) CA had a discussion with Dr. Safi, Director of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MoAIL). He explained efforts in improved wheat seed distribution. MoAIL has distributed over 600 metric tons of seeds throughout N2KL this season, with each farmer receiving 50kg of seed, enough to cultivate approximately two jerebs of land. The wheat seed was purchased for 147 AFS and sold for 105 AFS with MoAIL paying the difference. The director explained that there are three types of seed: breeder, foundation and certified. Certified was distributed. The MoAIL has contracts with four large farming contractors that produce the seed. This information is different from previous reports that improved seed came from Pakistan. Anticipate there will be 1295 metric tons for distribution next season. Each jereb will yield approximately 143 sehrs of wheat; one sehrs equals approximately 7kg. MoAIL has seven projects with WFP to start seedling nurseries with women. They also received funding from the CNTF and are implementing 250 nurseries and 2200 gardens across 11 districts. The Ministry is implementing an organic fertilizer project in six villages in Bati Kot. The current nurseries are going to produce 2,600,000 trees for various NGOs and organizations conducting reforestation and orchard work. MoAIL has plans to utilize some of these trees to line roads. Dr. Safi spoke of a proposal to the ADT to provide a water tanker truck, a generator and pump to assist in this project.
(2) The Dep Gov began the meeting stating that the security situation in Nangarhar was perfect. The office of the governor estimates that Nangarhar is currently 100% poppy-free, although he admitted having some problems in Achin and Spinghar. He thanked all the directorates and agencies present for all of there efforts to fight poppy this season and acknowledged that it must be a combined effort. He addressed the audience with the assertion that poppy is more than just a Nangarhar or Afghan problem but rather a global issue. The Dep Gov issued thanks to the international community for their effort in the recent disaster assistance efforts. He lauded the effort as a success not only in helping the affected persons but in the coordinated manner in which it was conducted, and wished it to continue in such a manner.
(3) The Directorate of Rural Reconstruction and Development presented updates on the Provincial and District Development Plans. RRD stated that the PDP and DDP are complete and there is $2 million USD in projects to be implemented starting in March. Projects started are contingent on the approved operations budget. RRD asked for all to coordinate with the District Development Assemblies to avoid duplication of efforts.
(4) The Director of Public Works gave an update on road projects stating that the Route 1 expansion and Jalalabad Bypass are going well and the bridge over the Surkh Rod River should be completed shortly. The director asked all donors to coordinate with the DoPW on road construction projects. He specifically admonished USAID about the Khogyani, and Ghani Khel roads which suffer from poor quality. Plus the Ghani Khel road contractor had walked off the job, leaving it incomplete. The director lauded DAI and PRT efforts for coordinating road construction and keeping DoPW involved from the start.
(5) Provincial Council member, Ustad Ghufor reported work on the Kama road had stopped. He stated the road into Dari Noor was in very poor shape and had fallen into disrepair from the time the PRT completed the compacted gravel road two years ago. He desired that the road be paved. Mr. Ghufor emphasized the importance of the Eastern Kuz Kunar road and urged the PRT to improve the road to the Kunar border. The DG interjected and stated the Gov had issued a letter to the Kama Sub-Gov to arrest the Kama road contractor. DAI stated that they had recently picked another contractor to complete the road and that work should begin soon. DoPW stating that the road had began in Feb of last year and is still not complete, however the road will now be asphalt and DAI has coordinated with the asphalt plant contractor to supply the material. World Health Organization briefed that it has vaccinated 6,500 children and supplied medicine for 3,000 tuberculosis patients in Nangarhar. World Food Program briefed it had 18 work for food projects and has distributed over 3,000 metric tons of food. United Nations High Council on Refugees (UNHCR) briefed statistics about the current returnee situation. Pakistan is looking to close more refugee camps this spring. UNHCR estimates that 40,000 families will return this year. 2007 saw 33,000 families return to Afghanistan Pakistan. This past year UNHCR has built 1,410 shelters for returnees. The Dep Gov stated that his office is in contact with Pakistan and is committed to assisting returnees. ACBAR (Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief) briefed that many NGOs are having a problem with Sub-Govs asking for letters signed by line directors to be signed by the Gov. The Dep Gov offered that this is the policy and that his door is always open and will meet with any NGO conducting reconstruction. Dr. Allahdad Chardwai of the PDC presented on the need for 3000 hectares of wetlands in Bati Kot to be drained and turned into agriculture land. If this is not done the residents will be forced to move as they currently do not have enough land to sustain a profit. Dr. Allahdad stated that protection walls built by DAI in Ghosta had failed and the river is threatening 1000 hectares of agriculture land. Director of Womens Affairs, Shaalai Baburi, announced that she is the chairwoman of the new Social Protection Sectorial Working Group and that the next meeting is on the 28th at 0900 at the Womens Affairs Office. JAIC (
Japan Agency for International Cooperation) announced that it now has an office in Jalalabad. JAIC ICW the MoAIL will construct a rice research area similar to a program in Thailand. Dr Safi confirmed JAICs comments and said that the wheat shortage will be lessened this year thanks to efforts from the US, Uzbekistan and India.
The DG had firm control over the meeting and kept the meeting on topic. This is not the first time the PRT has heard of the need for the Kuz Kunar or Dari Noor road. It is unlikely that the Dari Noor road is in worse shape than it was pre compacted gravel. BSTB has",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,PRT JALALABAD,PRT JALALABAD,None Selected,
F469A42B-D549-4AC8-A4AF-08A2490868A5,2008-02-05 04:30:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting - Development,2008-037-133312-0196,050430Z TF 3 Fury conducts KLEs with Ibn Sina IVO Gardez (Jaji District Hospital Expansion),"SUBJECT: Meeting Between PRT Gardez, 4-73 CAV, USAID, and Ibn Sina to Discuss the needs of the Jaji District Hospital
The following individuals were present for the meeting:
Capt Sean Strope, PRT Medical Plans Section
Capt Mark Stevens, PRT Engineering Section
Capt Ed Ch, 4-73 CAV Civil Military Operations Section
Mr. Rick Carbone, PRT USAID Representative
Dr. Anwar, PRT Interpreter
Dr. Mirza Jan, Country Director, IbnSina Afghanistan
Dr. Faiz Mohammad Atif, Acting Director of Operations, IbnSina Afghanistan
Dr. Ihsanullah Shinwari, Provincial Director, IbnSina Afghanistan, Paktya Province
Dr. Ahmad Shah, Director, Paktya Provincial Hospital, Gardez
1. The primary purpose of this meeting was to coordinate effort at bringing improvements to the healthcare sector in Jaji District, Paktya Province. After brief discussion it was decided that the effort in Jaji should be a two-pronged initiative. The two major needs in Jaji are space and equipment and this is how the efforts have been divided.
2. The current facility in Jaji was originally built and designated as a Basic Health Clinic (BHC). The original building consisted of 12 rooms and currently has 16 rooms. Over the past year this facility has been officially designated as a District Hospital (DH) by the MoPH, and as a result is extremely deficient in needed space and equipment.
3. Facility Requirements:
a. The minimum number of rooms necessary for a facility to function as a DH per the Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) and the Essential Package of Hospital Services (EPHS) is 35. As stated above, the current facility has 16 rooms.
b. It was mutually agreed upon by all present at this meeting that further coordination between IbnSina and the MoPH in Kabul is needed. Rather than build on to the existing structure, it is felt that a completely new facility should be built to suit the needs of the district. This potential new structure will be coordinated with MoPH by Dr. Mirza Jan and Dr. Atif, and they will in turn share information with Team Paktya as it becomes available. Further community coordination with the residents of Jaji District will also be accomplished, and is tentatively planned for the first week of March 2008. Representatives from Team Paktya and from IbnSina will attempt to conduct a healthcare Shurra in Jaji to identify the wants and needs of the people. The Shurra will also help to identify any potential land disputes or tribal issues that should be resolved before any construction can begin.
c. Once it is determined how the MoPH and IbnSina would like to proceed, Team Paktya will work with IbnSina and the Paktya Department of Public Health in the design of a new facility. Team Paktya will also seek a source of funding, either through CJTF-82 or through the Grants Application for Grassroots Projects (GAGP) funded by the
Japanese Government.
4. Equipment Requirements:
a. The following is a wish list provided by Dr. Atif:
1. Ultrasound machine
2. Anesthesia machine
3. Autoclave
4. Physical and Occupational Therapy tables and equipment
5. Residence for female staff (should be considered in the design of any new structure to be built)
6. Generator, 12-15 kW
7. New well (the current water supply for the DH is from a nearby school well with a hand pump)
8. Microscope
9. CONEX for temp storage of equipment currently stored either outside or is exam rooms in the current building
10. Computer with printer
11. There is apparently some rather high-tech medical equipment in Jaji that was donated by an Afghan man who resides in Germany. It is not known exactly what type of equipment is there, but it is suspected that there is a CT scanner and an incomplete ultrasound machine among the equipment. The instructions for this equipment are in German, and there is no one in Jaji with the technical expertise required to determine the serviceability or current applicability of the equipment in question. This equipment has become a somewhat emotional subject with the residents of Jaji. They are suspicious that the MoPH is trying to take the equipment from them for use in a different district. Because of this, Dr. Mirza Jan recommended that this topic not be discussed with the people of Jaji at this time. He said he will try to learn what equipment is there and try to determine if the equipment is serviceable. He will also try to determine if the equipment is current or if it is out of date. There will be more to come on this in the future.
b. Capt Cho has agreed to take the lead on trying to acquire the microscope and a CONEX for the Jaji DH. Dr. Mirza Jan and Dr. Atif have agreed to identify the necessary specifications required in a microscope, and will also try and find an Afghan source to purchase it from in Kabul. The remainder of the equipment will be worked on separately by Team Paktya, and a project proposal will be developed for submission to CJTF-82.
5. In addition to the above issues being discussed, we also briefly discussed Dr. Ahmad Shahs attendance at the Host Nation Healthcare Mentorship Training Program sponsored by TF MED at Bagram. Dr. Ahmad Shah is scheduled to attend the class scheduled from 9 22 March. Dr. Wali Orya Khil, Orthopedic Surgeon from the Paktya Provincial Hospital is set to go as an alternate.
6. Finally, a medical textbook was also donated to the Paktya Provincial Hospital by the PRT entitled The ICU Book. A picture of this book can be viewed below.",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,TF 3FURY (4-73),4-73 CAV / SHARONA,None Selected,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,42STF9520068300,36.73834991,66.70626831,UNKNOWN,J3 ORSA,,,ENEMY,RED,SECRET
27A3D043-4309-4029-B3DE-D889D02F9417,2008-02-29 06:25:00,Explosive Hazard,IED Found/Cleared,2008-067-091906-0750,(EXPLOSIVE HAZARD) IED FOUND/CLEARED RPT (Remote Control IED (RCIED)) CEXC IVO (ROUTE NISSAN): 0 INJ/DAM,"(S//REL)RCP-2 SAPPER-2, 720th USAF EOD Team #13 was traveling to FOB Tillman on Route Nissan when the Husky located a metallic object in the ground. The Husky and PSS 14 operator interrogated and found a suspected RC Device with a battery pack with wires heading west, wrapped in cloth material. No main charge was found at the scene. All evidence was then turned over to CEXC.
a. (C//REL) One (1x) Mod 5 Housed in a light grey plastic container measuring 15 cm (L) x 5 cm (W) x 3 cm (H). The exterior of the container has the remnants of a sticker labeled WARNING Case Of Damage Seal Will Not Be Accepted wrapped around the box. On the opposite side of the container there is a 0.4 cm hole for an Light Emitting Diode (LED) to be exposed and the numbers 149.525 and below that is the numbers 68-4. The corner where those numbers are is cracked and broken off. Two (2x) silver colored multi strand wires, both with black insulation extending out of the case measuring 16 cm (L) and one having electrical tape wrapped around the free end. On the same end there is a single core silver colored wire with grey insulation measuring 47 cm (L) and is used as the antenna wire. On the opposite end there is two (2x) wires extending out, one with red insulation and one with black insulation. These wires are then attached to the leads coming out of the battery pack and that junction is wrapped with electrical tape.
b. (C//REL) Eight (8x) D-cell batteries. The batteries have a plastic holder on the top and bottom and then electrical tape is then used to hold the whole battery pack together. The pack measures 13.5cm (L) x 7cm (W) x 7cm (H). The batteries are labeled Super Cell Heavy Duty King Power R20K/1.5V/Size D Long Lasting Battery Do not recharge, short or dispose of in fire. Low Mercury &Cadmium. Tokyo
Japan. There is a transparent tape that was used to hold the battery pack to the Mod 5 device. There is two (2x) wires extending from the top of the pack and those are secured to the power in wires of the Mod 5.
D094F100-C402-4307-98C4-2DB86F87DBB2,2008-03-02 09:00:00,Non-Combat Event,Meeting,2008-063-113815-0921,020900Z TF CINCINNATUS PANJSHIR PRT MEETING WITH AGRICULTURE REPS,"PRT/DC and Director met with representatives the NGO responsible for the implementation of the Womens Poultry Project. The project is funded by the
Japanese and managed through CERP. The project will train 600 women in poultry raising and care. The women who are selected (200 each from Bazarak, Rokha, and Anaba Districts) will be trained for 3 hours/day, 5 days/week for 3 months in the care, feeding, vaccination, breeding, egg collection, etc. After the training period, the chickens will be provided and the women will proceed with the project with an additional 3 months of supervision/guidance from the trainers. The primary purpose of the project will be to sell eggs, although additional chickens will be bred, and some chickens will be used for meat. Profits from the project will go to the women & their families.",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,PRT PANJSHIR,PRT PANJSHIR,None Selected,
803F186E-F4F9-4EF4-926A-8AA235723318,2008-03-18 00:00:00,Explosive Hazard,IED Explosion,2008-100-185144-0453,(EXPLOSIVE HAZARD) IED EXPLOSION RPT (VOIED) CEXC : 0 INJ/DAM,"(S//REL) At an unknown time on 18 MAR 08, A local national struck a PPIED at 42S VA 40844 60558. After striking the IED the local national recovered the pressure plate and a 6V motorcycle battery and brought the components to U.S. forces at FOB Wazi Khura.
a. (C//REL) One (1x) Pressure plate. The base and top of the pressure plate are constructed of two rectangular pieces of rough cut lumber with the electrical contacts in-between the two (2x) pieces of wood. On the base piece of lumber the electrical contacts are pieces of light weight sheet metal that appear to be cut from a steel coffee can or similar container, there are three (3x) total spaced evenly on the board and held in place with several small nails. The electrical contacts on the top piece are nails with pieces of wire wrapped around them. There are two (2x) springs mounted to the ends on the base piece of lumber that appear to keep the electrical contacts from touching until the weight of a vehicle compresses the top and bottom pieces together. The top and bottom assemblies were placed together and both were wrapped in black rubber that appears to be cut from an inner tube.
b. (C//REL) One (1) 6V. Emergency light rechargeable battery marked POLO FM645, 6V4.5AH, VALVE REGULATED, RECHARGABLE BATTERY, Technology of
Japan. There are lead wires attached to both the positive and negative battery terminals. The positive lead wire is a combination of three wires joined together, the first being stranded steel with yellow plastic insulation, the second is smaller diameter stranded copper with pink plastic insulation and the third wire is stranded steel with red plastic insulation. The negative battery terminal lead wire is a single piece of stranded steel wire with yellow plastic insulation. The battery was still in its factory cardboard box which was then wrapped in light weight green plastic secured in place with a few turns of red electrical tape.
Summary from duplicate report
FF reported an that a LN struck an IED IVO FOB WAZI KHWA. 1x wounded LN was MEDEVACED. Event closed at 1423D*. IED Strike 42SVA408605
Afghanistan/Paktika/Waza Khwa
1.9km SE of FOB WAZI KHWA Personnel:
1 Wounded LN
180201ZMAR08 (NO FUSION NET ENTRY) (RC EAST) (42S VA 40837 60570) (S//REL TO USA, ISAF, NATO) On 180201Z, TF White Eagle reported a PPIED strike in the Waza Khawa district of Paktika Province, 1.97km SE of FOB Wazi Khwa. A local national struck was severely wounded in the blast. EOD from Wazi Khwa received components from the strike and reported the device was composed of a 6V motorcycle battery with a wooden pressure bar. Event Closed. ISAF#03-498
10. a. (S//REL) CEXC, CIED, and EOD did not respond to this event, there is no further
information available concerning this event, other than what was gathered from the local
national that turned in the device components and presented above.
End of duplicate report summary
---------------------------------------------------------------------------",RC EAST,ENEMY,FALSE,CEXC,CEXC,CIV,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,41SPR9529979100,32.33174515,65.07494354,UNKNOWN,J3 ORSA,,,ENEMY,RED,SECRET
40CBEEEF-7D55-4F5A-A854-50E97D1CB41C,2008-03-23 07:00:00,Non-Combat Event,QA/QC Project,2008-083-053852-0843,230700Z TF CINCINNATUS PANJSHIR PRT KLE MEETING,"PRT Engineers: Met with Shutol District Manager and Yakoubi Dehe Kalaan Clinic Access Road. Agreement was made on the road sited above the cemetery per district manager (Final Site). --- Final Shutol District Center book storage location sited. Authorized Ariea Koh to conduct pre-construction meeting for Khenj and Shutol to begin work immediately. --- Korovah Micro-Hydro work progressing on the fore-bay and generator house. Identified areas of canal that need additional retaining walls; no engineer on site. --- Coordinated visit with Maj Graham (AED- Project Manager for Panjshir) to get eyes on the ANP construction sites and the Barack to Khenj road. He and a team of six will convoy up on Tuesday. --- Set up meeting with Dr. Wajeed to discuss landowner issues with retaining walls and slope grading at Anaba & Kalacha Irrigation --- Evaluating possibility of repairing 48KW
Japanese Funded Anaba Micro-Hydro --- Gabions: Last PRT requested 16,500 gabions; none of those gabions have been delivered. Panjshir has 1,000 gabions on-hand and they are stored at an MRRD warehouse.",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,TF CINCINNATUS (TF LION) (23rd CHEM),TF CINCINNATUS,None Selected,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,42SWC8611207491,33.50349426,69.92710114,CTF Rugged TOC Battle Staff,J3 ORSA,,,ENEMY,RED,SECRET
52D63248-8062-4E90-BB8B-32FCC73E5E4D,2008-03-28 12:07:00,Non-Combat Event,QA/QC Project,2008-088-120746-0812,TF CINCINNATUS MICRO-HYDRO SITE SURVEY,"
Japanese Micro-Hydro Survey
Site survey was 2.6km from generator house to canal inlet. Elevation points was recorded at penstock (5753ft), Forebay (5807ft) and Canal inlet (5853ft)
There were multiple sections where an extended retaining wall is needed to reduce erosion and support the main road.
Encountered areas where drainage is necessary for crops and a local villagers house.
This house is in location over the existing canal so future canal must be moved or coordinated with property owner.
The last 500m of the existing canal will need to be relocated because the channel runs through the river bed.
Engineers will develop a cost estimate for Micro-Hydro/Canal Repair. Statement of work and justification are ready for additions and specification updates.",RC EAST,NEUTRAL,FALSE,PRT PANJSHIR,PRT PANJSHIR,None Selected,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,42SWB3083206512,32.59566879,69.32855988,TF Currahee SIGACT Manager S-3,101 Bridge SIGACTS Manager,,,ENEMY,RED,SECRET
C5BDD23E-CA41-9E9B-4E72FF13B4989AC8,2008-06-09 05:30:00,Explosive Hazard,IED Found/Cleared,20080609053041RPQ1403941699,(EXPLOSIVE HAZARD) IED FOUND/CLEARED RPT (Components) : 0 INJ/DAM,"SUMMARY OF EVENTS
7. a. (S//REL) At approximately 090530ZJUN08 B Co was conducting cordon and search operations within the Jug Rum fort area of Garmsir. During these operations, both companies recovered a large amount of IED components, documents and weapons. EOD Team 3 responded and rendered safe any explosive ordnance found. Once all explosive ordnance had been dealt with all non explosive evidence was recovered and forwarded to CEXC-KAF for further analysis. The weapons were destroyed in place by EOD and the documentation was forwarded to DOCX for further analysis.
8. a. (C//REL) Twenty One (21x) MOD 5 Spider devices, the mod 5 spider devices that have been recovered vary in condition, some are brand new but most have firing codes and frequencies written on the outer casing. Frequencies vary from 149.525 to 150.125. All casings for the Mod 5s measure 148mm (L) x 50mm (W) x 28mm (T).
b. (C//REL) Nine (9x) PTT Radios were recovered, there are several types of PTT radios and they are as follows: four (4x) Uniden, four (4x) Motorola and one (1x) Bell. Some of the radios have had the backing sealed with either hot glue or silicon after they have had firing codes programmed.
c. (C//REL) Forty (40x) test bulbs, these test bulbs have blue and white SSMC wire, both wires measure 357mm (L) and have 2mm (L) exposed wires.
d. (C//REL) Twenty five (25x) AA battery holders, these battery holders hold 4x AA batteries and measure: 52mm (L) x 29mm (W) x 24mm (T).
e. (C//REL) Thirty six (36x) 9v Battery connectors, all of the battery connectors have red and black SSMC wire which measures 74mm (L) and all have blunt ends with no wires exposed. Most of the 9v battery connectors have blue covers. These battery holders have red and black SSMC wires which measure approx 149mm (L) and have 2mm (L) of exposed wires at the ends.
f. (C/REL) Four (4x) alligator clips, these alligator clips have a plastic casing on the handles, there are three (3x) red and one (1x) black.
g. (C/REL) One (1x) Motorcycle battery 12v. The motorcycle battery has the following markings on the outer packaging: DELIBERATE 6FM (12v3AH) JINHONG STORAGE BATTERY CO, LTD.
h. (C/REL) Two (2x) 6v batteries. These two batteries have the following markings: SEALAKE RECHARGEABLE SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERY FM640A 6v4AH/20HR DESIGNED IN USA
i. (C/REL) Approx 2kg of 6mm (Dia) ball bearings, these ball bearings are consistent with ball bearings which have been used in ball bearing pressure plates throughout the Helmand province.
j. (C/REL) One (1x) Mikona camera flash unit. The intended purpose for this item may have been to act as a firing device within a CWIED circuit. When employed in this role a camera flash unit utilizes the large integral capacitor to allow the firing of a detonator through a long command wire that would have normally required a large / heavy battery pack. The camera flash unit has the following markings: MV328
k. (C/REL) One (1x) Panasonic camera flash. This item may have been intended for use in the same manner as above. This camera flash has the following markings: PE-201A
l. (C/REL) A Silva compass, the Silva compass is missing the right hand side and is a type 4/54. This compass is still useable.
m. (C/REL) Six (6x) D Cell battery packs, One (1x) square battery pack which measures 195mm (L) x 80mm (W) x 40mm (T). The battery pack is sealed in clear plastic and has two (2x) faded red SSMC wires protruding which measure 690mm (L) and 520mm (L). Two (2x) cylindrical battery pack which are wrapped in thin blue plastic material, these battery packs measure 193mm (L) x 36mm (Dia), the connections have been soldered together and have been then sealed with silicon providing a water tight connection. Both battery packs have twisted SSMC red and black wire protruding and measures approx 245mm (L) which also has a white 2 pin connector on the end. Three 2x2 stacks of D cell batteries, these battery packs are sealed in clear plastic and all have twisted SSMC wire protruding from the middle of the battery pack and have a white connector at the end, the SSMC wire have been joined using white plastic adhesive tape, these wires measure approx 210mm (L). These batteries are larger than the traditional D cell battery and may be rechargeable batteries.
n. (C/REL) A roll of solder, the markings on the plastic roll is: SOFT FLUX CORE DIA 3.00 MM 450 GRAMS NET 60/40 CONTI CORE
o. (C/REL) A laser diode, this laser diode has a black body and is two piece in construction. The overall length is 59mm (L), the main body measures 16mm (L) and the cap measures 16mm (L) and is 17mm (Dia). There are two SSMC wires which protrude from the body of the laser diode and are encased in a black outer sheath.
p. (C/REL) A cylindrical device, olive drab in colour with SWR cable in between the cap and base. This SWR cable measures: 920mm (L) x 2mm (Dia). The main body measures 25mm (Dia) and has an overall length of 70mm (L).
q. (C/REL) Three (3x) battery re-charger cables with a 2 pin plug. The other end has alligator clips. The overall length is 1070mm (L) x 6mm (Dia). This is encased in a black plastic outer case. The alligator clips have red and black plastic protective sleeves on the handles/ levers. On of the cables is not sealed in black plastic. These cables may have been removed from a Long Range Cordless Telephone (LRCT) and had the alligator clips fitted for an alternative use such as recharging batteries.
r. (C/REL) Six (6x) Ball bearing pressure plates. Three ball pressure plates measure 39mm (T) x 521mm (L) x 152mm (W). Two of the three pressure plates are wrapped in clear plastic and sealed with a clear tape and the other has not been sealed. There are two (2x) SSMC wires protruding from the pressure plates, they measure 474mm (L) and 310mm (L). There are three thinner ball bearing pressure plates, one of the pressure plates is missing a sheet metal plate (contact), these pressure plates measure 503mm (L) x 153mm (W) x 15mm (T), only one of these pressure plates is partially sealed in clear plastic and has a strip of black plastic adhesive tape around the pressure plate.
s. (C/REL) One (1x) HF Icom Transceiver, This transceiver has a black outer casing and there was no power source with the equipment. There is a handset attached to the front of the transceiver. The following markings are visible: ICOM IC-707, SERIAL NO 11178, MADE IN
JAPAN. The handset has the following markings: ICOM HM-36 ELECTRIC CONDENSER MICROPHONE.
t. (C/REL) Antennae extension cable. The cable was recovered in the shipping condition, rolled into a tight loop and tied off with twist ties. CEXC-KAF believes that the cable is designed for the HF transceiver and is designed to be able to connect from the base station to the antennae mounted on the roof.
u. (C/REL) Improvised Claymore. The improvised claymore is constructed from mild steel and is shaped similar to a commercially made claymore. On the rear of the claymore main body a hole has been drilled to allow the insertion of detcord or a commercial / improvised detonator into the explosives. The hole measures approx 8.36mm (Dia). The mild steel is approx 2mm (T). A door has been welded onto one end to produce an opening to be able to place explosives and fragmentation into the claymore, the door has two bolts to secure it shut. The claymore body measures 250mm (L) x 285mm (H) x 80mm (T). The claymore has three legs welded to the base of the main body. The legs provide 300mm of elevation.
v. (C/REL) Three (3x) Sony Camcorder battery rechargers (AC Power adaptors). The Sony camcorder battery rechargers are the same model which is AC-L25A, the serial numbers visible are as follows: 37357163, 38381437, 35288772. Sony Camcorder manuals were recovered from the cache and have been forwarded to DOCX for further analysis as they had been used as a note pad by enemy forces.
x. (C/REL) Two (2x) Icom desktop battery chargers, the desktop battery chargers are black in color. The models are as follows: BC-137, BC-146, both of these battery chargers have power supply which is 12v and the model is BC-147E.
y. (C/REL) One (1x) Black vest (Chest Rig). The black vest is constructed from a canvas like material and has six (6x) magazine pouches and three (3x) alternative (smaller) pouches. The sides of the vest are held in place by laces. At the rear top of the black vest there is a handle which would be used to drag a wounded person to safety.
z. (C/REL) Two (2x) Remote Fob Transmitters (RFT) devices. These RFTs have Sony car door lock stickers on the front face and have firing codes written on the ends. The firing code is 82 & 78, the other visible markings are: SONY CAR DOOR LOCK SONY ELECTRONICS
aa. (C//REL) Fourteen (14x) black plastic battery holders, these battery holders are capable of holding 4x D cell batteries and used in battery packs consistently found throughout southern Afghanistan.
ab. (C//REL) Eleven (11x) miniature test bulbs, these test bulbs have red and yellow SSMC wire which measures 400mm (L).
ac. (C//REL) One (1x) cell phone recharger cable which is encased in a black outer sheath. One (1x) Garmin cable, this cable has a four (4x) pin plug which is suitable for a Garmin GPS and able to connect to a computer to be able to download maps from the internet. The following markings are visible: GARMIN.
ad. (C//REL) Two (2x) light switches, these switches are wired in series using black SSMC wire. The light switches have the following markings visible: LIKE 10_AMP. These switches may be able to be used as a safe/arm firing switch.
ae. (C//REL) a DSMC red and black wire which measures approx 2.8m (L). On one end an alligator clip is attached and the other DSMC wire has been severed. Both of these ends have been sealed with black Plastic Adhesive Tape (PAT). The other end has two white connectors connecting DSMC wire together and is then connected to a 6 pin plug and also sealed with black PAT.
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,42SWB3171024890,32.76142883,69.33853912,,A SIGACTS MANAGER,,,ENEMY,RED,SECRET
0x080e0000011bf64a402616d47c0aa6fd,2008-08-26 03:01:42,Criminal Event,Kidnapping,20087263142SXD4502035660,(CRIMINAL EVENT) KIDNAPPING RPT TF VALIANT : 0 INJ/DAM,"S-5 AAF
A-2 NGO kidnapped 1x LN and 1x
JapaneseL- vic 42s XD 45020 35660 Dari Nor
T - 260645LAUG08
U- unkown
R - Reported by NDS and JPCC
NDS reports kidnappers are on foot heaeding north, north east.
locals following kidnappers and engaging with SAF, kidnapper heading north on road beween ZARI BABA and SHURAT
PCC told by NDS kidnapping happened in Koz Kunar
0400z QRF moving from PRT to Koz Kunar DC ( ANP station ) to link in with ANP to assist
0555z PCC radioed Col Taliwar relayed a rough grid at XD 54003300 for area and requested assistance. Notified PCC that QRF is enroute to Kuz Kunar DC to assist.
0510z PCC reports that Col Taliwar is putting together 100 ANA and 50 ANP to assist in locating NGO's
0518z QRF reached Kuz Kunar DC XD46394 27307 ANP told QRF that they have eyes on the AAF that took the NGO's. QFR is being led to that location now and they will call it up as soon as they reach OBJ
0550z QRF at grid XD 48680 30804 requesting shadow, hunter or CCA.
Shadow reports 3 PAX moving quickly in area
0610z QRF relayed they need CCA to pickup ANP and move them to the top of Mountain XD4890 3121. UNK# of PAX moving NE towards Spader AO.
QRF FM 42975
0645z PCC reports ANP have surrounded the hill where 4 PAX (kidnappers) carring 2 PAX (NGO) but ANP needs more water and Ammo to continue to exact location. Allegedly, one of the NGOs can not walk. AAF is attempting to get the NGO's to the town of Showalnaw at 42SXD 51738 33744
0715z Report from ANP: the AAF fled the hill top and left the
Japanese NGO alone at or near XD 51738 33744.
0720Z BDE is receiving a report that the
Japanese NGO has been killed. Not confirmed at this time.
1143z ANP report through QRF that the Afghan NGO escaped from his captors and is with the ANP now but the
Japan. NGO is still with the AAF.
1120z ANP reports that they have the
Jap. NGO ATT there has been no conformation (US eyes on) ATT.
1535z Valiant 3 reports from site that the only part of the days events that he can confirm is that ANP had 1 AAF in custody. The search will continue in the morning.
270030z Valiant 3 SPed to Koz Kunar w/ ANP/ANA to continue search of site.
Valiant 3 on ground linked in w/ ANP - ANP have sent approximately 100 personnel to continue search for kidnapped NGO
270515z PCC reports that ANP have found the Dead body of the NGO on the hill but are unable to give the exact location were they are, because they don't know. Attempting to confirm the report w/ Valiant 3 on the ground ATT.
270520z PCC relayed grid for body in the 42SXD 49000 30000 area.
270525z John Binn (ANSO Head) states (from anouther ANSO worker on site that knew the
Jap. NGO) that the NGO was murdered and his body is on the hill in the Bajir Bawagam area.
270545z Vaiant 3 reports body is on the hill and as yet the only info he has is that the body has a leg wound and massive head trama. They are waiting for the body to be brought down to ID as the NGO
270738z Valiant 3 reports
Jap. NGO is dead and body is at his location. Medic on site made assessment of Possible Cause of Death and will report that up when back on FOB PRT
271210z Valiant 3 reports The Afghan National Driver from ANSO escape his captors and was secured by ANP yesterday. The NGO ANSO worker was killed. He had GSW to the leg (unclear which) and head trama. Medic thinks from condition of body that NGO had fallen struck his head and probably blead out from the GSW. Gov. has information on AAF individuals and Valiant 3's interp. has notes to give through S2 channels. Body is being moved to JBAD. Final grid for location where body was found 42S XD 51603470 .
271310z The Driver is being detained w/ the AAF that was captured at the NDS facility at this time.
S2 will debrief for intel from Valiant 3 Metting with the Gov. and post findings
HCT will go to the NDS compond and question the NGO driver on 28Aug08